Are you ready for an unexpected crisis?
I have a friend that seems to always be ready for whatever comes in life, prepared and organized to survive an unexpected crisis. But. Regardless of preparation, I know my friend will be surprised when a crisis comes. I have learned crisis, the unwanted and unexpected stuff that happens, is reality. And. When crisis occurs, it usually comes at the worst time, when we are already too busy, overwhelmed, and exhausted. The most valuable thing I have learned about responding to crisis has been this: Relax. God is present and promises to go through everything with us, even through the darkest valley, bringing every detail, even the worst things, together for good. While being prepared and organized is definitely important and really admirable, our readiness to face crisis ultimately depends on our response.
Many difficult challenges that occur in a crisis are often created by managing the situation with fear, thinking the gift of life has been stolen away. The thing is . . . it's a waste of the life we are given . . . to give in and respond to a crisis as if it is the end of the gift.
Be ready to respond to the stuff of life, including a crisis.
Remember a crisis can not take away the gift of life.
Take ground in the crisis with faith rather than fear.
Believe God will work out circumstances, no matter how disastrous, for good.
Learning to Kickstart the day, ready and prepared to respond to the stuff of life with faith,
(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)
I have a friend that seems to always be ready for whatever comes in life, prepared and organized to survive an unexpected crisis. But. Regardless of preparation, I know my friend will be surprised when a crisis comes. I have learned crisis, the unwanted and unexpected stuff that happens, is reality. And. When crisis occurs, it usually comes at the worst time, when we are already too busy, overwhelmed, and exhausted. The most valuable thing I have learned about responding to crisis has been this: Relax. God is present and promises to go through everything with us, even through the darkest valley, bringing every detail, even the worst things, together for good. While being prepared and organized is definitely important and really admirable, our readiness to face crisis ultimately depends on our response.
Many difficult challenges that occur in a crisis are often created by managing the situation with fear, thinking the gift of life has been stolen away. The thing is . . . it's a waste of the life we are given . . . to give in and respond to a crisis as if it is the end of the gift.
We need to keep our heart and mind open for what God will do when the stuff of life comes at us, never trying to force something to happen because of our fear. But. We need to take ground in the situation with faith, believing God has a plan for something more, and will bring every detail together for good.Consider.
You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. (Genesis 50: 20, NLT)The recorded words of Joseph in Genesis 50 were said to his brothers, the ones who threw him into a pit to die and led him through a series of crises. He was enslaved, oppressed, falsely accused, and imprisoned without deserving any of it. That said, Joseph trusted God to be present and in control of his life in the midst of the worst of the worst adversity, to work out every detail in the crises, to bring about a divine plan of good in his life. And. Thousands were saved from starving to death in a famine, because God used the circumstances to bring Joseph into a position of power in a place he could make a difference. He was armed with faith rather than fear, to face the stuff of life, trusting God to bring all the details together for good.
Be ready to respond to the stuff of life, including a crisis.
Remember a crisis can not take away the gift of life.
Take ground in the crisis with faith rather than fear.
Believe God will work out circumstances, no matter how disastrous, for good.
Learning to Kickstart the day, ready and prepared to respond to the stuff of life with faith,
(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)