Wednesday, May 18, 2011


He came to talk, explaining "things needed to be fixed."  I didn't say anything, waiting for more. Finally, he said it.  He said what his wife had told him, "We're done."   I waited.  He explained what he had done, which explained why she was done.  Though he owned his actions, I understood his wife's words had broken him.  Sometimes we don't want to hear what someone has to say.  The thing is . . .  a conversation is more than words . . . it is a way to express who we are, a way to reveal what is within us . . . and a way to understand and give acceptance.  In the end, a conversation is as much about listening as it is speaking.   While it is part of my job to listen, I have learned the power in listening is not just taking time to hear but understand.  There is an art in listening to understand, allowing space for silence as a gift of acceptance for whatever the other person as to say.  We are changed, when someone cares enough to listen with understanding and acceptance.  It is the first step to a new beginning.
Of course, when people are at war with one another, silence can be a weapon as the listener withdraws from the conversation, refusing to understand and give acceptance, especially when words become the method to attack and harm one another.  
Most people are surprised to know, regardless of what the other individual does, the war ends when one individual determines to listen to understand and accept, rather than to reject.  Everything shifts, when one person chooses to listen.  Too many times, we demand the other person to be the first to listen.

If, God, who knows everything about us before we speak, will take the time and listen, who are we to do less?
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you (Jeremiah 29:12, NIV). 
There’s nothing comparable to knowing God personally listens, understanding and accepting us, regardless of what we say.  Wherever we call out to Him, whatever condition we are in, God will listen.  When we tell God everything,  give Him the burden, trust Him with the stuff, we are made new.

Call out to God.  Pray.  God will listen.  You will be made new.

Learning to Kickstart the day grateful God is listening,

(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)