Uncertainty. It's where I've been for a couple of days. It's an interesting place to be in. It's when there's no definitive answer, no delineation of where things are at, no definable outcome. It's a time of being in between of what is known to be true and what might be true. It's a space of life in which faith is a necessity to carry on.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1, NIV).
By faith, we're certain God is great and God is good.
By faith, we're certain God loves us more than what seems possible.
By faith, we're certain God is in control.
By faith, we're certain God's plan is the best way to live.
By faith, we're certain God is at work all the time.
By faith, we're certain God makes all things possible.
Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, "Don't be afraid; just believe." (Mark 5:36, NIV).
Learning to Kickstart the day certain of what's not seen,
(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)
Faith gives us the basis for certainty.Consider.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1, NIV).
By faith, we're certain God is great and God is good.
By faith, we're certain God loves us more than what seems possible.
By faith, we're certain God is in control.
By faith, we're certain God's plan is the best way to live.
By faith, we're certain God is at work all the time.
By faith, we're certain God makes all things possible.
How is it possible to
live by faith in uncertain times?
Intentionally and decisively put your focus on God rather
than circumstances or people. Remember Jairus? He was the man who went to
Jesus and asked for healing of his daughter. Jesus turned from what he
was doing to go to Jairus' home; however, he was interrupted, a woman touched
the hem of his garment, desperately needing a healing. And, she was
healed. The healing power of Jesus immediately and completely healed her.
The impossible became possible. Timing is everything.
As the woman was being healed, Jairus was told his daughter had died.
Then, Jesus gave the key to living in faith in uncertain times:
Jesus ignored the words pronouncing the girl dead and gave
the two components to living by faith: Don't be afraid. Just
believe. To live by faith, we need to learn how to ignore words,
situations, and ideas which are not of faith, giving our full attention to
Jesus. Jairus made the difficult walk back to his home, certain Jesus had
something more planned, certain of what he could not see, certain death would
not be the final outcome.
Being certain in uncertain times is a gift.
Receive the gift.
Live by faith, certain of what you do not see.
Learning to Kickstart the day certain of what's not seen,
(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)