Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Go To The Mountain

Complaining is
contagious . . . others, more often than not, will join in.
a habit; it is difficult to stop once it begins. 
a way to avoid taking ownership of a problem.
related to gossip.
never positive.
a symptom of ungratefulness.
Ultimately,  complaining is an obstacle to seeing God and what He has planned.

The pages of  the book of Exodus warn us that complaining is ultimately against God:
Moses said, "Since it will be God who gives you meat for your meal in the evening and your fill of bread in the morning, it's God who will have listened to your complaints against him. Who are we in all this? You haven't been complaining to us—you've been complaining to God!"  (Exodus 16:8, The Message)

The thing is . . . when we complain . . . we lack vision and the courage to go where God has called us to go.  Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best:
I just want to do God's will. And he's allowed me to go to the mountain. And I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land! I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land.
I am reminded that God will take us to the mountain to gain perspective . . . but . . . we will never see beyond ourselves when we complain.  A grateful heart allows us to see God.  Christ said it this way:    "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8, NASB).

Let go of whatever makes you want to complain.
Intentionally give thanks.
Go to the mountain.
See God.
Enjoy the view.

Learning to KickStart the day with gratefulness,


(written by Kerrie L. Palmer © 2010 All Rights Reserved)