Monday, November 8, 2010

It's All About You

Questions to ask to live beyond the "normal" life . . . to be a courageous follower of Christ . . . living in the realm of His presence:

How did I get here?

Do I belong here?

What is the point of it all?

We tend to focus on the moment rather than on the big picture.   If, we look beyond ourselves it will become clear that God has something more for us.  The thing is . . . we must follow God's directions . . . and trust His plan in the process.

Trust is not easy to do and often becomes a struggle.  The Exodus people struggled trusting God  especially when life became overwhelming as it did when they were stuck in the dessert without resources.  They could not see beyond their need.  They were once again focused on their circumstance rather than on God.  Though God said He would provide manna at dawn: they did not see the presence of God in the light of the day:

 So Moses told them, "It's the bread God has given you to eat. And these are God's instructions: 'Gather enough for each person, about two quarts per person; gather enough for everyone in your tent.'" The People of Israel went to work and started gathering, some more, some less, but when they measured out what they had gathered, those who gathered more had no extra and those who gathered less weren't short—each person had gathered as much as was needed. (Exodus 16: 15-18, The Message)
 It seems to me that the people of God were constantly wanting to get out of their situations without seeing the bigger picture. They were blinded by the pressure of the situation.  Study the conversations between Pharaoh and Moses.  Pharaoh, a man living far away from the heart of God, could not understand the need to release the people.  After all, the slaves were holding up his nation's economy.  Without the slaves, their economy would tank.  That said, the people committed to God wanted to be released from the oppression of slavery but did not understand the point of it. The clue is in what God repeatedly told Moses to say. .  :  "Release my people so that they can worship me."

There it is . . . the bigger picture . . . worship.  True worship strips us of everything, opening us up to a fresh encounter with God.  It is all about God rather than ourselves.  I have a friend that says it this way:  "It is not about you.  It is not about me.  It is about God." 

Matt Redman wrote about it in the song, Heart of Worship:  
When the music fades, all is stripped away, and I simply come / Longing just to bring something that’s of worth that will bless your heart… / I’m coming back to the heart of worship, and it’s all about You, Jesus
See what the Exodus people could not see in dawn's light.  Step into the Light of God: In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.(John 1: 4-5, NASB).   Filter your vision through eyes of faith. Remember that life, in each and every circumstance,  is all about Jesus, the Light of all humanity, not the circumstance.  Hard to learn, but powerful to know. 

Learning to KickStart the day in Jesus,


(written by Kerrie L. Palmer © 2010 All Rights Reserved)