Thursday, April 28, 2011

Clay Jar

I sat in a court room and listened to the charges made against individuals.  Some came before the judge, for the first time and others were repeat offenders.  Their stories centered around making at least one wrong decision and what occurred because of it. Some owned what they did, others blamed.  So.  It made me think about my response to my wrong decisions,  Am I honest . . . do I own what I have done . . . do I give it all to God . . . do I accept His grace and move forward with strength, courage, and determination or do I hide in shame or blame? 
The big question, Will I be held captive by wrong decisions? 
But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us. (2 Corinthians 4:7)
The Apostle Paul, who had wrongly persecuted and murdered Christ followers, described humanity as weak, like a clay jar, easily broken and marred.  But.  The treasure we have received, the presence, power, and peace of the Spirit of God in us, changes everything about our life, empowering us to do more than we could ever imagine, making us strong in our weakness.

We can try to go forward on our own; however, eventually we lose our strength and even desire to push through the messiness of our decisions, constrained and held captive by it all.  But.  We can move forward through the Spirit of God's leading, stepping into a new beginning, becoming new when we surrender it all, when we trust Christ rather than ourselves, when we open ourselves up to receiving new strength each day, when we choose courage rather than fear because we know the power of God is as close as His presence.
In the midst of it all, we learn God is faithful to give us strength in our weakness.   
Refuse to be held captive by wrong decisions.  Recognize you are weak like a clay jar.  See that the only way to successfully move forward is through the power of the Spirit of God.
Move forward, stepping into a new beginning.

Learning to Kickstart the day through His power,

(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)