Sunday, October 4, 2009


If I didn't have a personal relationship with God, I would. I have the opportunity to meet with people who face difficult and downright horrible experiences. And, yet, they are able to persevere and move through circumstances with unrelenting hope and faith.

How do they do it? 

Simply put, God meets an individual in their place of need. 

How is it possible to meet God, who is beyond what humanity can fully comprehend?

Humanity often defines God through limited comprehension and abilities. The thing is . . . we think in terms of time and space, which God transcends. So, we struggle understanding that God comes into our defined time and space, allowing us to participate and interact in a personal relationship with the all-powerful Creator of the universe.

And . . . God gives us one another to experience life together.  The Apostle Paul gave thanks for the Philippian church . . . the Church . . . the ecclesia . . .  the called out . . . those who share the purpose of God together:
[ Thanksgiving and Prayer ] I thank my God every time I remember you.
Philippians 1:3      

Give thanks.
Learning with you to KICK START the day . . . with gratefulness for one another,

Pastor Kerrie

 For a deeper study go to: interAct: Bible Study ~Church on the Hill~700 N. Hill Rd.~McMinnville, OR 97128~503.472.8476 InterAct: Bible Study~Kick