Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Sign up for a daily Christmas meditation: Expectation . . . Advent 2009

Stuck . . . at a  dead end . . . in a place where nothing seemed to work . . . in a time that nobody would help.  Nothing seemed  to be right.

Could anything change?

The key to change is trusting God.

Putting our trust in God, the God of more . . . who will use everything for good . . .  changes the way we manage life. There is hope beyond our imagination . . . through Christ, God with us.

Trusting God can seem really crazy . . . but that is what faith is . . . believing God will do what He has promised to do . . . to make the impossible . . . possible. Moving out of difficult challenges requires seeking God, believing God can do more than you think is possible, and following His directions.

There is greater strength when we manage life through trusting Christ together.  We need encouragement from one another to trust God . . . even when it does not make sense.

Paul wrote of the need for others . . . for those with a kindred spirit . . .  who trusted God . . . to be sent to them:   For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare (Philippians 2:20).

Worship: Rebecca St. James: Our Great God

God. Trust God to be the God of more.
Receive His Word.
Give thanks the work of God—He will make a way. He makes all things possible . . . God with us.

Learning with you to KICK START the day . . . trusting God.

Pastor Kerrie

Pray with expectancy through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.

Experience the simplicity and power of breath praying.

Waiting in Hope . . . Day 4

Waiting and hope are linked by trust.  Often there is a significant space between our request and an apparent divine answer.  We are empowered to soar as on wings like eagles as we place our hope in Christ, rather than in a circumstance. 
 . . . But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

Pray with expectation

Breath  prayer:  Waiting in Hope.

(interAct written by Kerrie Palmer © 2009 All Rights Reserved) ~Church on the Hill~700 N. Hill Rd.~McMinnv,lle, OR 97128~503.472.8476 interAct
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Expectation . . . Advent 2009