Balance,Life can happen so fast that we fail to see the value of balance. We often become stressed without understanding why. When clarity of balance in life comes, we realize it does not make sense to be enslaved with stress. The thing is . . . we live because of the big thoughts of God . . . and most of us really have no idea how big His thoughts are:
often ignored, is
a state of equilibrium,
and contentment.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Balance is more about action than words.
Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8, NAS)
It is when a million things come together and direct us to God. It is about trusting that God has completely thought out this thing called life. It is about being set free to live in the way that matters. It is about living like God has planned. It is about loving that we have a chance to live because God has willed it.Stop. You are living in the big thoughts, plan, and will of God. Trust God. Celebrate the New Year in balance.
Learning to KickStart the day living in the big thoughts of God intentionally and actively in balance,
(written by Kerrie L. Palmer © 2010 All Rights Reserved)