Friday, December 24, 2010

Front Row Seats

 I served on a pastoral staff with an older pastor who eventually became a great friend.  He  was always energetic and would often say that the average adult expended energy by making excuses rather than using it to do what needed to be done.  I can still hear him say, "Oh for crying out loud . . . grow up . . . and just do it."  .  He would make it clear that we should not try to do everything; however, we needed to know what was ours to do and just do it.

He continued working until a few days before his death at age ninety-something with authentic energetic enthusiasm and joy, giving himself away to the world. And, yes, he is one of God's heroes. 
Learning how to live well is a process; the hero told me that he did not understand the value of living with enthusiasm and energy, without complaining, until he was over forty. That said, if had been present at the first Christmas, I am sure he would have been out in front of the shepherds leading them straight to Bethlehem. I know God's hero would not have looked back or tried to finish up a task.  He would have known what was his to do and not to do,  immediately responded with high energy. 

The shepherds, ordinary guys, were given an extraordinary message from God.  I am sure they did not fathom the honor of it all. But.  They knew it was their responsibility to go.  And, they did. 
So they came in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger. (Luke 2: 16)

Imagine what it would have been like to see the baby in the manger.  Seriously.  There He was . . . Emmanuel . . . God with us in the most ordinary of places on what started out as an ordinary night.

The shepherds had to have been humbled and amazed that they were the ones that had the "front row seats" to view the miracle of Emmanuel, God with us.  God invites ordinary people in ordinary places to take front row seats and experience the miracle of Emmanuel.

Jesus told us how to take the front row seats: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33, NIV).

Jesus made it clear to first seek God, asking for guidance of where  to go and what to do.

Intentionally take the front row seats.
Experience the miracle of Emmanuel with enthusiasm and energy.Give Him your all.

Have an extraordinary Christmas.

Learning to KickStart the day with energy and enthusiasm,

(written by Kerrie L. Palmer © 2010 All Rights Reserved)