Friday, May 27, 2011

Resting In The Rhythm of Grace

I am always interested how individuals manage the pressure caused from the stuff of life, when there is one change after the other, when there does not seem to be a safe place to fall, when the gift of the day is missed because of difficulties and challenges.  I have learned in order to change the course, we must intentionally stop and disengage from the stuff of life, to rest, and to enjoy the gift of the moment.
Think about the thing in your life that stresses you the most, what would it be like to live free from the pressure of it, to stop focusing on it, to rest rather than struggle over it?  
It's easy to avoid what stress is doing to us as we run out the door consumed with managing it all, believing we are doing what we must do.
We miss the gift of what God has provided when we are consumed and pressured with the stuff.  
While we may put the blame on something or someone, no one and nothing is doing it to us, we are doing it to ourselves,

Though it sounds like an unrealistic religious statement, we have the choice to give it all to Jesus.  The thing is . . . we are made to live free . . . rather than being stressed over the stuff we have no control over, we need to rest, if, we want to live the best life.  Anyway, it is not about religion but about going deeper in our relationship with Jesus, accepting the invitation which has been issued:
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (Matthew 11:28-30, The Message).  
I like this translation of Jesus' invitation to come and receive the kind of rest that frees us from the pressures of the stuff:
Go to Jesus.
Get away with Him. 
Walk with Him. 
Work with HIm.
Watch how He does life.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. 
Keep in relationship with Him.
Learn to live free.

So. Today-
Move away from the stuff . . . pray . . . intentionally release it all.
Look for the gift of the day. Intentionally walk and work in Christ, choosing to live the best life, resting in the rhythm of His grace.

Learning to Kickstart the day resting in the rhythm of His grace,

(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)