Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Made Free

One of Tricia's first sentences continues to be used by our family, I just mad.  It expresses our mood without specific blame; however, we have made it clear, to anyone and everyone, we are irritated, frustrated, and unhappy.  There are times a bad mood will come over us and we are not sure why.  Whether we blame our mood on someone or something, in reality its about the stuff of life we have let reside and rule within our mind and heart. To be sure, the stuff of life can be hard. But.  To be healthy, to be well, to experience the best life, we need to evaluate the stuff residing within us.  If, we fail to face the stuff and acknowledge its grip on us, we will become its hostage, missing out on what more God has for us.
The thing is . . .  we have the choice to allow circumstances to have power over us  . . . and ultimately choose whether we will live free of the stuff.   
So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;  and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free" (John 8, 31-32, NASB).
In the ancient days, the Jewish followers of Jesus seemed to have blatantly disregarded the rules and tradition of their religion.  Their peers, family, and leaders of the day, became consumed with the perceived wrong, persecuting the followers for the way they had chosen to live.  At first glance, it would seem the followers of Jesus chose the more difficult way to live.  But.  In reality, they went the way of true freedom while their persecutors were locked into a life of unhappiness, anger, and even rage.
Jesus said, if, we continue to be in His word, live the way He lived in the reality of truth, then, we will be made free.  When we are made free, we are no longer held hostage by the power of past or present circumstances, when we are made free, we will experience more in life than our wildest dreams, when we are made free, we discover the reality of freedom Christ talked about and revealed.
Ask Christ to make you free.  Refuse to let the past or present circumstances rule your life.  Choose peace over revenge, healing over hurt, love over hate, freedom over being consumed with something or someone.  Experience the miracle of being made free.  When it's over, when a specific circumstance or individual does not hold power over you, take time to celebrate the freedom you have received.

Learning to Kickstart the day going His way,

(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)