Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Very Good

This is Tiffany's last day with her students.  Yesterday, they reviewed the best moments of their fourth grade year.  The exercise purposefully made the kids see their life from the side of good.  The thing is . . . the stuff of life often blocks the view of the good in life . . . and we miss the best moments of the day.

God planned for us to experience His goodness, which has been confirmed throughout history.  Right from the beginning, God made everything about this world to be good.
 I like to think of the power in the moment described in Genesis 1:31: God saw all that he had made, and it was very good (NIV).  
There is an emphasis on the two words, very good.  But, now, we live in a world where evil and darkness have crowded in.  It's hard to imagine what our day would look like, if, all of the world, all of humanity, all of the details of the space we occupy would be very good.

Whether, we can imagine it or not, God created it all to be very good.  Though we live in the aftermath of the moment humanity stepped away from what God created life to be, we can be assured the power and purity of His goodness is relentless and greater than anything or anyone.  He has provided the way to live a very good life, shifting every detail in the universe to put His very good plan into place through Christ. Even so, there are those who are intent on going their own way, living outside of the realm of God's plan, carrying the damage of their choice into every area of living,

And He said, “I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the LORD before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion” (Exodus 33: 19, NASB).
This verse in Exodus allows us to see God wanted Moses to experience His goodness.  Think on it.  God has provide a way for us to experience God's goodness each moment of every day.

Stop. Breathe.  Be aware of the power of God's goodness surrounding you.  Thank God.  Choose to be a wise manager of His goodness by the way you think, speak, and act.   Celebrate the very good life God has planned.

Learning to Kickstart the day in the very good plan of God,

(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)