Monday, December 5, 2011

Celebrate Miracles

We celebrated . . . his first full day home . . . his eighth birthday . . . his adoption . . . his new life.  We could see the miraculous plan of God in this little boy, born in Ethiopia, living in an orphanage, praying for a family, believing God would provide for his dream of having a family.  At the same time his family prayed specifically for a seven-year-old boy from Ethiopia to join them.    His family had to decide what their life was about and risked changing their own lives in order to add to their family. Their lives came together in unexpected ways, only explained by the mysterious intervention of God.  The day finally came, when his adoption went through; however, red tape, government obstacles, and poor communication collided. Bringing him home looked impossible.  But. After months of praying for heaven to move earth, the word finally came they could bring him home from Ethiopia, a miraculous gift to be celebrated.
It's a story that most won't hear about during this Christmas season.  But.  The truth of the matter is that the story of life is a series of miracles strung together. And, after all, this is the season of miracles.  The thing is . . .  miracles are never earned . . . but given and received.   
”Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.(James 1: 17-18, NLT)

In this imperfect world, there's a perfect love handed to us, a miracle to be received every moment of each day.
The miracle is issued by God, declaring us to be his prized possession.  
Even so, circumstances often block our view of the miracle. But.  It's there for us to receive, even when it does not make sense.  Then, again, miracles do not make sense.

The day we receive the miracle of being the God of Light's prized possession is the day we really live. Our new perspective gives us the ability to trust God to do more than can be imagined, bringing everything together for His good and perfect plan.  So.  Celebrate the miracle of life today.  Celebrate for a family and their son from Ethiopia.  Celebrate.

Learning to Kickstart the day celebrating the miracle of today,
(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)