Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Too often we determine that reality is the sum total of our circumstances  rather than the presence of God.   The book of Philippians provides a view of the Reality of Life.
. . . rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness..
Philippians 2:7)

Made himself nothing:
Christ chose to reveal Himself in humanity rather than deity; however, Christ retained His divine nature. He emptied Himself to fill the mind, soul, and body of humanity, making humanity new and whole. He is Reality. Living in Reality turns humanity upside down. In Reality all things are possible.

Taking the very nature of a servant:
Christ took on the form of a bond-servant for humanity. He came to earth as a servant to liberate humanity. Humanity’s freedom through Christ forms a new song and dance within our being. Today is a new day of liberation in Reality!

Being made in human likeness:
Christ Jesus became like humanity to transform humanity. He understands humanity’s limitations. In Reality, humanity is released to live beyond what the human mind can think, ask or imagine!

Are you living in Reality?
Remember all things are possible in Reality.
Live in the freedom of Reality today.
Live beyond humanity's limitations through Reality.
Live in Reality.

 Pray:  Show me how to open up to Your powerful work.

Learning with you to KICK START the day
 . . . to live in Reality,
Pastor Kerrie

kpalmer@hillchurch.com ~Church on the Hill~700 N. Hill Rd.~McMinnville, OR 97128~503.472.8476 ~www.hillchurch.com~ InterAct: Bible Study~Kick Start Your Day
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