Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Word of the Day . . . Make Each Summer Day Count

I have a friend that says nothing is official until it is on Facebook.  I am not sure how any of us lived before Facebook; however, we did.  Communication is an incredible gift.  Think about how the brain synthesizes what is read, heard, or discussed in order to understand and respond.   
That said, I wonder if in the high-tech-fast-paced world, if we have dulled our senses to communicating with God.   
The Spirit of God promises to communicate a new word each morning.  Do we hear the word of the day? Do we share the new word with others . . . especially those that have become tired and weary?

The prophet Isaiah explained: 
The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples,
         That I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word
         He awakens Me morning by morning,
         He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple. Isaiah 50:4
I believe that God gives us the ability to hear the word of the day through the Spirit. But . . . we allow other things to get in the way . . . such as busyness, fatigue, problems, and challenges.  To hear the Spirit we must intentionally focus on God rather than the “stuff.”   We need to ask ourselves: Is what God says my priority this morning? If, the answer is yes, then, we need to consciously refocus until our attention is completely on God.  For sure, that is hard to do when we are experiencing the pressure of life before we begin the day. Even so, focusing on God is a necessary discipline to be healthy and whole.

The thing is . . . God purposefully gives us a word in order for us to adequately prepare for the day and those we will encounter along the way.   We will never be fully prepared, if, we have not listened to the Spirit of God. 

Begin the day intentionally focused on God.
Listen to the Spirit of God.
Respond to the word of the day and make each summer day count.

Learning with you to KICK START the day listening to the word of the day.

Pastor Kerrie

(written by Kerrie Palmer © 2010 All Rights Reserved)

interactstudies/ ~ kpalmer@hillchurch.com ~Church on the Hill~700 N. Hill Rd.~McMinnville, OR 97128~503.472.8476 ~www.hillchurch.com~Archives & Daily Subscription: go to http://kickstarttoday.blogspot.com/