Monday, August 9, 2010

All Things Are Possible . . . . Make Each Summer Day Count

Just yesterday, I listened to friends talk about the economy and the bleakness of the world.  Really?  Now I am not saying that we should not look at the state affairs of this world and plan accordingly; however, it is too easy to give into impossibilities rather than to respond with belief in the realm of God’s possibilities.   
The thing is God is the God of more . . . working in the realm of possibilities . . . freeing us from the oppression of impossiblities.  Prayer driven individuals believe that the impossible is always possible.
 I wonder if we often intentionally live in the realm of impossibilities rather than possiblities.
Do we diagnose some things as impossible and impose our own limitations? 
Do we believe all things are possible with God?
The way we live shifts when we believe God can and will do the possible in the impossibilities.
If we are honest, hidden in the depths of our heart is the God-given-desire to experience the power of God’s work that is beyond our limitations.  At the same time, we often ignore or turn the other way from the desire God has given us in the name of sensibility.  In turn, wemiss out on the “more” of God. 
In the book of Acts, we read that an island changed because of the healing power that was released through prayer: There was an estate nearby that belonged to Publius, the chief official of the island. He welcomed us to his home and showed us generous hospitality for three days. His father was sick in bed, suffering from fever and dysentery. Paul went in to see him and, after prayer, placed his hands on him and healed him. When this had happened, the rest of the sick on the island came and were cured. Acts 28:7-9
One man, the father of an important public official, was healed through prayer.  We are not told if the sick man believed in healing.  All we know is that Paul believed that healing could come through prayer.  So. Paul prayed . . . one man was healed . . . and then the rest of the sick people on the island came and were healed. More occurred than what could have been imagined.  Everyone was healed.  Think about the excitement and anticipation of living in the power of God.
Is it true?  Were all the sick on the island healed?
The answer is simple. Yes. 
Make each summer day count and believe that with God, all things are possible. There is so much more to life when we believe that all things are possible: Jesus looked at them and said, "With human beings this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)
  Learning with you to KICK START the day believing all things are possible,
Pastor Kerrie

(written by Kerrie Palmer © 2010 All Rights Reserved)
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