Thursday, September 29, 2011

True-grit Strength and Courage

A typical day for me includes talking to people who are experiencing challenging hardships day after day,  living in a stormy season, faced with stinkin'-hard circumstances. So.  I've learned to ask two things:
What is the one most difficult thing you are facing today?
What is the one good thing in your day?
It's a challenge for an individual to list only one difficult thing in a stormy season; however, it's even a greater challenge to find any good thing during a storm of life.
Certainly, during a season of difficult-impossible-challenges, we often feel we are unable to catch our breath or keep up with all the stuff that comes at us like a fast and furious storm, let alone focus on something good.  Stormy seasons often make one day feel like a thousand years.  So. We tend to rush life, waiting for something better, begging God to get us out of it, desperate for something else to occur, without seeing what else is before us.  I'm not talking about seeing the glass to be half full rather than half empty, but rather to intentionally learn from the storms, to discover these seasons to hold a divine opportunity to view life through faith, living with strength and courage, trusting God to be present and at work.

Sounds like a religious thing to say, doesn't it?  But. When you get down to it, to live beyond the power of a storm, when everything seems to be a challenge and impossible, requires courage, the kind Christ not only demonstrated but won for us on the cross.

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9, NLT). 

Strength and courage is needed in stormy seasons. But left on our own, we often become afraid and discouraged by the power of a storm.
Experiencing true-grit strength and courage is only possible through Christ, who won it for us on the cross.  
It makes sense that a good day is based on trusting Christ and living in faith, experiencing his strength and courage in us, rather than measuring the day by difficult challenges left in the pathway of a storm.

Face the storms with strength and courage through Christ.
Refuse to  be afraid or discouraged.
Look for the gift of experiencing divine strength and courage in a stormy season.

Learning to Kickstart the day with Christ's true-grit strength and courage,

(written by Kerrie Carlisle Palmer © 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)