Friday, October 23, 2009

Caught In The Darkness

We got caught in the dark.
We were in a new place.
We did not pay attention to the time.  It was dark before we knew it.
The unfamiliar roads were dark . . . so we used our cell phones to provide light . . . to help us see where to walk . . . one step at a time.

 Likewise, we can easily get caught in the darkness of this world, if, we fail to filter life through the Light.  The Psalmist, David, sang: The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

The thing is . . . when the Lord is our stronghold . . . our Light . . . we do not need to be worried . . . anxious . . .  or fearful  that we will get caught in the darkness.    The Holy Spirit is our Light and will reveal what we need to see and where we need to go. 

The church was in a new place in the course of history. . . something new . . . a birth of the called out . . . the ecclesia . . . the movement of hope to the world.  Even in the beginning, there were those in the church that were more concerned for themselves . . . than for the message of Christ.  Their leader, Paul, was in prison . . . it would have seemed the church had been caught in the darkness.  Paul wrote:  . . . the former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition rather than from pure motives, thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment . . . Philippians 1:17

Pray:  You are my Light.

Paul had a choice . . . to either be distressed in prison by the work of selfish ambition  . . . or . . .  to realize there was nothing or no one that we have to fear when God is our Light.  The darkness does exist, however, we can be assured that “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5).

Light is necessary to see through the darkness of circumstances.
Light reveals the Truth of circumstances.
Light reveals what needs to be seen.

Light reveals where we need to walk.

Learning with you to KICK START the day . . . walking in the Light.
Pastor Kerrie

(interAct written by Kerrie Palmer © 2009 All Rights Reserved) ~Church on the Hill~700 N. Hill Rd.~McMinnville, OR 97128~503.472.8476 interAct
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