Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Renewal of the Mind

We stayed at a house located in the mountains.  It began raining in the backyard . . . but it remained sunny in the front of the house.  Somehow . . . the house sat between the sunshine and the rain.  How often in life do we think we are stuck between the sunshine and the rain? 
The Apostle Paul described the power of living in Christ regardless of circumstances . . . whether we are in the sunshine, in the rain, or inbetween.  The essence of the gospel . . . the message of Christ . . .  frees us from being held captive by circumstances. 
When it comes down to it . . . we must choose . . . to exist because of our circumstances . . . or . . .  to exist for the sake of Christ.  If, we make the decision to exist for Christ, then, we will not settle for being dictated by the details of life.  
The Apostle Paul chose to live entirely for Christ . . . . full of life . . . confident of  the presence, power, and peace of Christ even in death:  But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; Philippians 1:23
The thing is . . . God is the God of more . . . even in death . . . there is more to experience . . . there is never a dead-end.   God wants to free us from the prison of being defined by circumstances . . . from whatever comes our way . . .  whether it is the sunshine or rain.   
How can we live free of circumstances?
Paul wrote: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
We can literally be transformed by the renewing of our mind through the work of the Spirit.  Our mindset can hold us captive to our circumstances. We must intentionally go to God’s Word and ask the Holy Spirit to transform us by renewing our mind. 
Pray:  Savior please . . . renew my mind today . . . so that I exist for You rather than for circumstances. 
Renewing of the mind is a daily process . . . the continual work of the Holy Spirit.  Why? Paul does not say to give it a try . . . to see what happens when we renew our mind . . . but . . . says to continually renew our mind.  Renewing our mind is an ongoing-active element of living in Christ.  As our mind is renewed, we are able to process our circumstances with the knowledge that God is present and actively at work.
Learning with you to KICK START the day . . . with a renewed mindset to exist for Christ.

Pastor Kerrie

(interAct written by Kerrie Palmer © 2009 All Rights Reserved) ~Church on the Hill~700 N. Hill Rd.~McMinnville, OR 97128~503.472.8476 interAct
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