Friday, September 3, 2010


I have thought a lot about a conversation that I had with an individual. It was about the impossible things in life. He told me that he did believe in God and knows that for God, nothing is impossible. But . . . people need to accept reality and get on with life.

He was missing one word, "WITH."

The word, WITH, was part of the announcement of the coming of Christ:  "For WITH God nothing is impossible." (Luke 1:37)

Jesus looked at them and said, "With human beings this is impossible, but WITH God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26, TNIV)

The thing is . . . when we respond to the impossibilities of life WITH God . . . all things are possible. When we understand that reality is Christ, we can see beyond the impossible things of life. It gives clarity to the words that Jesus prayed:
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

It seems impossible . . . but Jesus prayed that what God wills for heaven is willed for life on earth. The will of God is the same for you and I on earth as it is heaven. At first glance the prayers seems downright impossible. You and I know the difficulties and challenges of life on earth . . . where sin . . . the things that are done without God . . . brings chaos, hardship, and pain into our lives. But what Christ declared in His prayer as been issued . . . "as it is in heaven."

So what does that mean?

When we step into the dimension called heaven, we step into the full presence of God. The weight of sin that the earth is burdened with . . . is gone . . . there is liberation from the oppression of sin. We are invited to step into the presence of Christ and walk WITH God to be free of the oppressive power of sin today and tomorrow.

And . . . as we live intentionally with God . . . we see that the "veil" has been lifted we are in a "thin place" between heaven and earth.

All things are possible WITH God.
Live in the possible.
Live with Christ.
Believe what Jesus prayed . . . on earth as it is in heaven.
Learning with you to KICK START the day with Christ,
(written by Kerrie Palmer © 2010 All Rights Reserved)